Трансляционные усилители

ITC TI-B120TB - Фото 1
ITC TI-B120TB - Фото 1


Цена: 124 435 тг.
* Standard rack mounted design (1U), SMT technology.
* With mp3/TUNER/Bluetooth module, digital screen displaying the current music from USB.
* With mp3/TUNER/Bluetooth remote control function.
* 1 EMC input, 2 AUX input, 4 MIC input.

* Channel priority: EMC >MIC1>MIC2, MIC3, AUX1, AUX2.
* Each channel has volume control function, master volume control and bass/treble tone control.
* MIC1-4 balanced input.
* Has level indicator, overload and protection indicator.

* With high temp, overload & short-circuit protection.
* 2 output modes: 100V, 70V (non- Bridged mode).
* High efficiency and energy saving design.
* With 5 zones control function.
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Mark Techno
Email: marktechno.kst.@gmail.com
Phone: +77076688095
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